
Strategy & Consulting

SynergySights believes about having an “analytics culture” is one of the strongest indicators of future analytics success and developing an analytics strategy is an active process that plays a key role in building an effective, data-driven culture.

Creating a successful analytics strategy requires assessing your unique business challenges, matching those challenges with relevant data and resources, and establishing processes that grow your capabilities.

Developing an analytics strategy is a complex process that yields many surprising, company-wide benefits. There are many levels of analytics and modeling technologies and it is important to create analytics strategies that are customized to an organization’s unique business challenges, available skills, data infrastructure, and analytics maturity based on the following elements:

  • Vision & Mission
  • Concept of Operations
  • Business Model
  • Performance and Return on Investment
  • Model Development Process
  • Project Intake Process
  • Organizational Structures
  • Roles & Responsibilities and Oversight
  • Program Workflow
  • Communication, Marketing and Training
  • Key Short and Long Term Goals

How We Work With You

  • Strategies for using analytics to improve organizational decision-making.
  • Recommendations on how to grow analytics capabilities.
  • Plans for short and long-term analytics opportunities, prioritized based on feasibility and return on investment.

Prior to the engagement we will work collaboratively to determine an agenda that will provide the greatest value.

  • Some example focus areas include:Understanding strategic business goals and current analytics initiatives.
  • Assessing current analytics capabilities and how to build an analytics team.
  • Defining key performance metrics and baseline goals for analytics
  • Discussing potential projects that will provide early momentum and return on investment.
  • Exploring data sources that may be leveraged for strategic analytics projects.


The goals of the assessment are

  • Determine the analytic readiness and maturity of the organization as a whole and the Analytics team specifically.
  • Focus on the convergence of data, technology, and people needed for success with predictive analytics.
  • Provide a road map with actionable advice for improving the value of analytics within an organization.

How We can help

Vetted Experts

Our IT Consulting go through an extensive vetting process that includes communication and technical screening. Of the thousands of monthly applicants less than 3% are able to join our network

Team Augmentation

Our experienced IT consultants have 10+ years of experience at leading companies. Manage your projects with PMs who can augment your IT department, solution architects, PMO or any team in your organization

Cross-Functional Teams

Looking for a full term of experts? Scale your projects with a team of product managers, project managers, developers, designer and finance experts

we work with you

Talk to one of our domain experts

SynergySights directors of engineering, design and finance will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics.

Work with hand-selected talent

Within days, we will introduce you to a few experts for your project. Average time to match is under 24 hours.

The right fit, Guaranteed


Work with your new team member for a trail period(pay only if satisfied), ensuring they are the right fit before starting the engagement.

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